Shwmaeathon, Hydref 15 October 2018

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Shwmae Su'mae

Ar Hydref 15fed, mae'n ddiwrnod Shwmae Su'mae, sydd yn gyfle i bawb ddefnyddio eu Cymraeg, ac i ddechrau pob sgwrs gyda "shwmae" hwyliog.

Iestyn ap Dafydd ydw i, llais y de ar, ac eleni, dwi'n bwriadu hala 24 awr yn cyfarch siaradwyr Cymraeg trwy'r byd i gyd ar y we.

Welsh Speaking Practice i bawb

Mae yn helpu pobl ar draws y byd i ddysgu Cymraeg - mewn cyn lleied â 6 mis i rai! Yn ddiweddar, r'yn ni wedi lawnsio sianel Slack o'r enw "Welsh Speaking Practice", sydd yn galluogi pobl o bedwar ban byd i ymarfer a defnyddio eu Cymraeg, yn gyntaf trwy gael sgyrsiau syml, ac wedyn trwy wneud ffrindiau yn Gymraeg.

Ar hyn o bryd mae rhyw 400 o aelodau ar sianel Welsh speaking practice, ac mae pobl yn cwrdd i sgwrsio bron pob dydd. Dwi'n gobeithio, trwy'r Shwmaeathon, i ddenu mwy o bobl i ddefnyddio'r wasanaeth wych (ac am ddim!) hon.

Mae'r sianel, a'r sgwrs 24 awr, ar agor i unrhywun sydd yn gallu dweud "shwmae!". Felly os dechreuoch chi ddysgu ddoe, neu os wyt ti wedi bod yn siarad ers 80 mlynedd a mwy, dere mewn!

Er mwyn ymuno â'r sianel, gyrra ebost at gyda "WSP" yn bwnc iddo, a byddwn ni yn hala gwahoddiad i ti allu cymryd rhan.

Gwasanaeth newydd i ddysgwyr profiadol

Mae mwy o newyddion gwych ar gyfer dysgwyr a siaradwyr newydd. Rydyn ni wrthi'n lawnsio cyfres o sgyrsiau ac adnoddau diddorol, ar gyfer pobl sydd am ddeall Cymraeg yn well. Un o broblemau dysgu Cymraeg yw gallu deall ochr arall unrhyw sgwrs. Trwy sgyrsiau difyr gyda phobl diddorol, gyda trawsysgrif a chyfieithiad ar gael, rydyn ni'n gallu helpu! Gydag ychydig o gliwiau, mae'r ymenydd yn gallu addasu'n rhyfeddol o glou at iaith newydd.

I ddefnyddio'r wasanaeth newydd, clicia ar "learn" ar frig y dudalen, a dewis 'Advanced Content'.

Cefnogi Calon Tysul

Dwi hefyd yn gofyn i bobl gyfrannu at elusen sydd yn bwysig iawn i ni yma yn Llandysul, sef Calon Tysul. Mae Calon Tysul yn ganolfan hamdden gymunedol, gydag ysgol nofio sy'n tyfu (mae rhyw 250 o blant ar hyn o bryd) a rhaglen hamdden a chymdeithasol poblogaidd at bob oedran. Cymraeg yw prif iaith staff y ganolfan, ac felly mae bron pob un o'n gwasanaethau ar gael yn Gymraeg.

Mae Calon Tysul yn hynod bwysig i gylch Llandysul, ond mae wedi bod dan fygythiad ers sawl blwyddyn, ers i nawdd y cyngor sir ddod i ben yn 2014. Bydd eich cyfraniadau chi yn ein helpu ni i fuddsoddi yn y dyfodol, ac i gadw busnes cymunedol Cymraeg i ddatblygu a ffynu.


Sut i wylio

Mae'r Shwmaeathon yn ei gyfanrwydd ar gael ar sianel www.YouTube/SSiLanguages.  Neu gellid gwylio trwy ddilyn y dolenni canlynol:

Rhan 1:

Rhan 2:

Rhan 3:

Rhan 4:

Rhan 5:

Sut i gyfrannu

Os wyt ti'n cymryd rhan, neu'n joio gwylio, gyrrwch gyfraniad at


Shwmae Su'mae

October the 15th is Shwmae Su'mae day, which is an opportunity for everyone to use their Welsh, and to start every conversation with a cheery "shwmae".

I'm Iestyn ap Dafydd, the southern voice on the website, and this year, I intend to spend 24 hours online, greeting Welsh speakers throughout the world.

Welsh Speaking Practice for all helps people from across the world to learn Welsh - in as little as 6 months for some.. Recently, we have launched a Slack Channel called "Welsh Speaking Practice" which allows people from the four corners of the world to practice and use their Welsh, first through having simple conversations, and then by making friends in Welsh.

At the moment, there are about 400 members on the Welsh Speaking Practice channel, and people meet to chat their nearly every day. I hope through the Shwmaeathon, to attract more people to use this excellent (and free) service.

The channel, and the 24 hour conversation, is open to anyone who can say "Shwmae!". So, whether you started to learn yesterday, or whether you've been speaking Welsh for 80 years and more, come on in!

In order to join the channel, send an email to with "WSP" as the subject, and we will send an invitation to you to be able to take part.

A new service for experienced learners

There's more exciting news for Welsh learners and new Welsh speakers. We are launching a series of interesting conversations and resources, for people who want to be able to understand Welsh better. One of the problems learning Welsh is being able to understand the other side of any conversation. Through entertaining conversations with interesting people, with a transcript and translation available, we can help! With a few clues, the brain can adapt amazingly quickly to a new language.

To access this new service, click on 'Learn' at the top of the page, and choose 'Advanced Content'.

Supporting Calon Tysul

I'm also asking people to contribute to the Calon Tysul charity which is very important to us here in Llandysul. Calon Tysul is a community run leisure centre, where there is a growing swimming school (currently around 250 children) and a popular leisure and social programme for all ages. Welsh is the main language of the staff in the centre, and nearly every single one of our services is available in Welsh.

Calon Tysul is exceedingly important to the Llandysul area, but it has been under threat since the County Council's subsidy came to an end in 2014. Your contribution will help us to invest in the future, and to keep a Welsh speaking community busness developing and thriving


How to join

To join the conversation, go to after 3am on the 15h October. The Shwmaeathon will be happening live on the channel. In the comments under the broadcast , there will be a link which will allow you to join the Google Hangout.  Only 5 people can be on the hangout at a time, so if it's busy, you may need to wait your turn!

How to watch

The hangout is available on YouTube at www.YouTube/SSiLanguages.

Or you could watch through following one of these links:

Rhan 1 / Part 1:

Rhan 2 / Part 2:

Rhan 3 / Part 3:

Rhan 4 / Part 4:

Rhan 5 / Part 5:

How to donate

Whether you're taking part, or just enjoying watching, please send a contribution to